
The main object for which MEGA is established is:

to promote the development and expansion of a world class state-of-the-art micro electricity generation industry in Ireland contributing substantially, and increasingly, to the production of electrical energy in Ireland without the use of any fuel other than that provided directly by the sun, the wind and rain, improving air quality, the environment, and substantially, and increasingly, reducing carbon emissions. Essentially an organization representing different and sometimes competing interests operating in the micro electricity generation industry, MEGA has been formed to give the industry a unity of voice in pressing for the best possible economic, legislative, technical, educational and training, research and development, and the general competitiveness of the industry and its ability to create and respond to positive opportunities for expansion and growth – putting forward Ireland as the casebook model for the most effective micro electricity generation industry in the World. The mission of MEGA is to promote micro electricity generation as the primary solution to the long-term energy crisis and climate change issues through advocacy, communication, education and the removal of barriers through joint or co-operative action. The challenge is to establish the best possible recognition, and incentives, for the carbon reduction and green nature of the industry not just its role as an urgently needed energy producer.

MEGA will form a permanent and appropriate body or organisation for the purpose of achieving its goals and mission, which are essential in the general interest of the public, but more effectively in response to the needs of the company’s, or association’s, members and the industry in the general. In so doing;

i. MEGA will build up relationships with people in government in Ireland and in the E.U. and other key decision-makers who might have a bearing on the advancement of the industry, including other complimentary trade associations, or associations for the promotion of similar interests. In so doing MEGA will be making this growing resource available to its members in the interest of advancing their interests and the industry in general, through direct representation or through committees or sub-committees formed for the purposes of maximising the potential available to free up the industry for maximum expansion and maximum positive impact on the growing energy and climate change challenge.

ii. MEGA will build up the best possible resource of information relevant to the industry, past research and experience, experience in other countries and environs, response to regulatory controls or incentives, sourcing of sound technologies and case studies on economic returns, historical data, estimation of the industry potential and research of strategies and regimes to achieve the best possible gains for the industry as a whole in the interest of the country. MEGA will work towards the investment and deployment of technology to make this ever-building information and knowledge resource available appropriately to its different categories of members in the most effective way possible, on-line, through the provision of learning incubator units, field trips and internships abroad. The objective is to remove the information barrier from the industry as rapidly as possible and have the best repository of information, state-of-the-art, essential to the fostering of the strongest possible industry performance and the rapid access for its members to key players and experts.

iii. The micro electricity generation association is at the center of the Irish micro electricity generation industry. This industry is now emerging as the world’s fastest growing energy resource. MEGA is advocating micro electricity generation as a reliable, environmentally superior source of electric power in Ireland and around the world. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited is where industry leaders come together to network, forge relationships and stay informed and educated on industry policy, legislation, and trends.

iv. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited has been created to help its members pull it all together. European policy, state policy, electric industry market structure, consumer interests, local regulations, you name it — today’s electricity generators must grapple with a full range of market and policy concerns. Commercial power markets are complex, and The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited will provide a broad insight on how laws and basic market rules affect the business of the micro electricity generation industry.

v. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited is there to help its members get connected. Members are plugged into a strong network of industry leaders. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited also reaches out to the public, the media, and energy policy makers through a growing and full range of communication services. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited is dedicated to “raising the profiles” of its Business Members and the industry as a whole.

vi. The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited links utilities, wind, solar and micro-hydro power developers, energy researchers, equipment manufacturers, component suppliers, policymakers, environmental groups, consumer interests and other entities with a stake in The Micro Electricity Generation market. Education, training and dissemination of reliable knowledge is the central platform of this networking role which incorporates dedicated seminars and conferences, expert lectures and master-classes, partnerships and alliances with appropriate colleges and universities and state research laboratories and standards makers.

vii. In the removal of barriers to the advancement of the industry as a whole The Micro Electricity Generation Association Limited will investigate and research the advancement, development and investment into supporting industries, the buying and selling of green electricity, industries for the testing and commissioning of micro electricity generation plant and equipment, the promotion and advancement and training of local service agents equipped to deal with the complex range of equipment types, maintenance issues and regulatory matters – this is to name but a few of the areas for potential intervention to unfetter the industry and advance it as the fastest growing energy industry in Ireland and most effective means of addressing the climate change challenge.